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Unexplained Infertility When to Give Up

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Mittelschmerz and premenstrual symptoms tend to be absent or reduced when a woman is anovulatory. Histological dating of timed endometrial biopsy tissue is not related to fertility status. The transit time varies with age and sexual activity but is usually from 1-12 days. In other cases, the cause is suspected to be immunological or genetic; it may be that each partner is independently fertile but the couple cannot conceive together without assistance. XX male (sex reversal syndrome) An XX karyotype is due to a crossover of the sex-determining region (SRY) of the Y chromosome (with the testis determining factor) to either the X chromosome or an autosome.

It has been suggested that infertility be classified as a form of disability.[22] Causes[edit] Immune infertility[edit] Antisperm antibodies (ASA) have been considered as infertility cause in around 10–30% of infertile couples.[23] In both men and women, ASA production are directed against surface antigens on sperm, which can interfere with sperm motility and transport through the female reproductive tract, inhibiting capacitation and acrosome reaction, impaired fertilization, influence on the implantation process, and impaired growth and development of the embryo. A variety of disorders ranging from hormonal disturbances to physical problems, to psychological problems can cause male infertility.  Although many treatment options are now available, in many cases treatment will not work.  In many instances, male infertility is caused by testicular damage resulting in an inability of the testicle to produce sperm.  Once damaged, the testicle will not usually regain its sperm-making capabilities; this aspect of male infertility is analogous to menopause (though not natural like menopause) for women and cannot usually be treated.  Despite medicine�s limited ability to treat male infertility, many successful treatment options are available for its many causes.  Besides testicular damage, the main causes of male infertility are low sperm production and poor sperm quality.   The Causes of Male Infertility Male infertility has many causes--from hormonal imbalances, to physical problems, to psychological and/or behavioral problems.  Moreover, fertility reflects a man�s �overall� health.  Men who live a healthy lifestyle are more likely to produce healthy sperm.  The following list highlights some lifestyle choices that negatively impact male fertility--it is not all-inclusive: · Smoking--significantly decreases both sperm count and sperm cell motility. · Prolonged use of marijuana and other recreational drugs. · Chronic alcohol abuse. · Anabolic steroid use--causes testicular shrinkage and infertility. · Overly intense exercise--produces high levels of adrenal steroid hormones which cause a    testosterone deficiency resulting in infertility. · Inadequate vitamin C and Zinc in the diet. · Tight underwear--increases scrotal temperature which results in decreased sperm production. · Exposure to environmental hazards and toxins such as pesticides, lead, paint, radiation, radioactive   substances, mercury,  benzene, boron, and heavy metals · Malnutrition and anemia. · Excessive stress! Semen that is not initially a coagulum is often an indication of an ejaculatory duct obstruction or the absence of seminal vesicles.

Extra Resources For Can Birth Control Treat Infertility

Below are Some More Resources on Can Birth Control Treat Infertility

In the United States, around 10 percent of women aged 15 to 44 years are estimated to have difficulty conceiving or staying pregnant. Erectile dysfunction, vaginismus (painful involuntary spasm of vagina preventing intercourse) and dyspareunia (pain during sexual intercourse) can explain involuntary childlessness in some couples. Sermondade N, Faure C, Fezeu L, Lévy R, Czernichow S; Obesity-Fertility Collaborative Group.

Below are Some Even more Resources on Unexplained Infertility When to Give Up

The more fetuses there are, the higher the risk of premature labor. Tubal occlusion A tubal occlusion means there is a blockage in the fallopian tube. If a lack of sperm is suspected, surgery, hormones and assisted reproductive surgery can correct the problem. Sometimes there may be simple ways to make lifestyle adjustments to improve fertility, while other underlying causes may require treatment.

Below are Some More Details on Can Birth Control Treat Infertility

Medicamentous Induction of Ovulation Ovulation inductors are used for dysfunctions in the hypophyseal-hypothalamic area. This can make it difficult for the embryo to implant. New Treatment for Infertility Due to Congenital Absence of Vas Deferens. (PDF, 1 MB) The Lancet, 1987. Women presenting with a history of this anomaly should be considered high-risk obstetrical patients. [115] Bicornuate uterus A bicornuate uterus causes only minimal problems with infertility (if any). Urinary monitoring of the LH surge (eg, with an LH Predictor Kit) can be a substitute for BBT. Risk factors Risk factors that increase the risk include: Smoking significantly increases your risk of infertility Age: The ability to conceive starts to fall around the age of 32 years. These time intervals would seem to be reversed; this is an area where public policy trumps science. Patients have with small- to normal-sized testes and azoospermia, but normal secondary sex characteristics. Medication. If you have ovulation problems, you may be prescribed drugs such as clomiphene citrate (Clomid, Serophene), gonadotropins (such as Gonal-F, Follistim, Humegon and Pregnyl), or letrozole.

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